Lion & Lamb Bible Rebinds


A closer look at two incredible handcrafted Bibles.

I’ve told the story before on the blog about how my friend Jonathan came through Nashville earlier this year with a bunch of beautiful Bibles from several well-known Bible rebinders. I was impressed with all of them, but if I’m being totally honest, there was one Bible in that bunch that really stood out to me, and it was the one from Lion & Lamb Bible Rebinds.

For months I’ve had Lion & Lamb written at the top of my Bible wish list… and somehow I managed to end up with two of them! Please enjoy the video below to see what I love about these Bibles, and keep scrolling for more info, photos, and details about how you can get a rebind from Lion & Lamb of your own.



Lion & Lamb Bible Rebinds – Overview

Lion & Lamb Bible Rebinds is the work of Nick Karamitsos in Canada, and every Bible I’ve seen by him (in person and online) looks fantastic. Nick told me that he initially gave up on rebinding after his first few attempts didn’t turn out very good, but then he started to try it again and something clicked (I’ll say!). Nick says that he really enjoys the finer details of rebinding, and that the meticulous work and concentration help him get his mind off of the more stressful things in life. Looking at his corner work, tooling, and overall attention to detail, it’s clear that Nick has mastered the intricate work of rebinding.

When it comes to leather, Nick uses only the best stuff available. He prefers not to give too many specific details about his selections, simply because he’s spent countless hours researching and sourcing them, but I can tell you that the leathers he uses range from a variety of vintage, grainy goatskin to smoother cowhide and lambskin.

As for other materials, Lion & Lamb Bible Rebinds come with Berisford double-sided satin ribbons as well as silk headbands and tailbands. The only thing Nick sources locally in Canada are endsheets, which means that he has to import everything else, even the bookbinders glue he uses!

When I asked Nick why he loves rebinding Bibles, he told me that it’s not just a source of income. “I do it because I want my rebinds to stand out. I want to give the customer something they will cherish. I make every Bible with the intention of it being ‘the one’ for the customer.”



If you’ve got a favorite Bible or a family heirloom that could use a custom upgrade, you can contact Nick via his Facebook page. He is not currently taking new orders as he finishes up current lineup, but he told me that he hopes to reopen orders in the near future. In the meantime, you can occasionally find Lion & Lamb Bibles Rebinds for sale in Facebook groups like The Bible Exchange and Everything Bibles.



The Gospels in Hardcover


NLT Compact Bible with Filament