Steadfast Handy Size Preacher’s Bible


An NASB single column unlike any other.

When Becca and I began attending The Village Chapel last year, I noticed that the translation Pastor Jim Thomas preached from was not syncing up with my favorite ESV, NIV, and NRSV Bibles. I sent him an email, and he told me that the main Bible he carries, reads, and teaches from is an old NASB that has all of his notes from years and years of life and ministry (what a treasure!). I decided right then and there to look for a great NASB Bible that I could use to follow along with his sermons at church (and now… at home).

You may have seen my previous review of the NASB Single Column Reference Edition from Zondervan. That Bible is fantastic, but it’s a little bit too big and bulky to carry to church. I wanted something a little smaller, so obviously Bibles like the Schuyler PSQ and Cambridge’s Clarion or Pitt Minion were on my list (I actually picked up used copies of all three of those just to test them out). But then one day I was talking to my buddy Shane and he told me that he thought I would really love the Handy Size Preacher’s Bible from Steadfast.

“As a matter of fact,” he said. “I have one for sale.”

Nice work, Shane.
Very clever.


Steadfast Handy Size Preacher’s Bible – Overview

Steadfast Bibles arrived on the scene back in 2018 when they released the original Preacher’s Bible, a massive edition designed by John MacArthur. Unlike the ever-popular MacArthur Study Bibles with extensive notes, articles, indexes, charts, maps, and cross-references, the Preacher’s Bible has nothing but the text and a concordance in a single column, verse-by-verse format.

Still… that Bible was huge.
So in early 2020, Steadfast released this smaller edition and called it the “Preacher’s Bible – Handy Size.”

When the Bible arrived from Shane, I was immediately struck by the quality. It’s right up there with Schuyler in terms of materials and craftsmanship, and that makes sense because Steadfast produced this Bible with 2K/Denmark and Royal Jongbloed, the same typesetter and printer that Schuyler uses for all of their Bibles.

• NASB 95 text in a single column, verse-by-verse format
• Line matched typesetting by 2K/Denmark
• Printed and Bound by Royal Jongbloed
• Natural grain Shamar Goatskin
• 16mm yapp
• Genuine Cowhide, smooth grain lining
• 32 GSM, Bolloré Paper
• Same line-by-line and page-by-page word order as the original Preacher’s Bible
• 1-inch outer margin
• Rounded Spine and Page Corners
• Double-sided Satin Ribbons
• Concordance
• 5.75” x 8.5” trim size
• 1.6” thick


An Interesting Set of Features

You’ll notice from the list of features above that the Handy Size Preacher’s Bible is a very unique edition. Single column, verse-by-verse, fairly wide margins, no cross-references or textual notes… I can’t think of another Bible out there that has all of these features.

I am on the record as a big fan of single column Bibles, and this one is beautifully laid out by 2K/Denmark with the text centered on the page. Steadfast does not have the type size listed, but I would guess it’s about a 9pt font or just a hair smaller. It is line matched on fantastic 32 GSM paper, so the readability is excellent. I’m not particularly crazy about verse-by-verse editions for my own personal study, but I will say that I have enjoyed this format when following along with Pastor Jim’s sermons.

A Couple of Misnomers

My only critique of this Bible is that I think it has the wrong name… twice!

1) “Preacher’s Bible” – I understand that this Bible was designed with preachers in mind, and I think it’s a fantastic Bible to preach with, but it’s also a great Bible for non-preachers. I have to think that some people scroll right past this Bible when they see the words “Preacher’s Bible,” and that’s a shame.

2) “Handy Size” – I chuckle every time I say it, because this Bible really isn’t that small. It is 1.6” thick with a 5.75” x 8.5” trim size that jumps up to 6.5” x 10” when you account for the goatskin cover. But I suppose it is pretty handy compared to its ginormous predecessor.

If I were on the marketing team at Steadfast, I would give this Bible a fun name (think Schuyler Quentel, Cambridge Topaz, or Allan Reader) and start printing it in as many translations as possible. The features it has are so unique and the Bible is so well done that I think it could be a huge success.


A Great New Premium Bible

I have to hand it to them (see what I did there?), Steadfast did a great job with this Bible. It has the quality of a Bible from Schuyler, Cambridge, or Allan, but it also has some very unique features that make it stand out.

I hope that Steadfast continues to expand their Bible publishing operation, because what they’ve created so far is really strong.




• The Preacher’s Bible – Handy Size is available directly from Steadfast, starting at $225.00, by visiting their website.

*Pricing and Availability subject to change.



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