Memphis Bibles ESV Rebind


A great little ESV Rebind from Memphis Bibles.

I’m back with a new episode of "Extreme Makeover: Bible Edition," and this time I’m doing a side-by-side comparison of a custom ESV Large Print Compact rebind from Jay Lemonds at Memphis Bibles with the original from Crossway.



• Cognac Badalassi Carlo Cowhide
• Black cowhide liner
• Extra large yapp
• Custom perimeter stitching
• 2 premium ribbons
• Raised spine hubs
• Black end sheets and white head/tail bands


1) How did you get into Bible rebinding?

My love and interest in premium Bibles started many years ago. When I was in seminary I purchased a brand new New King James signature series Bible by Nelson. That Bible was unbelievable! Incredibly soft leather, great ribbons.... and from that time on I had my eye on premium Bibles. I had several of the Nelson calfskin bibles... but found myself always wanting to customize them. I contacted as many rebinders who were already involved in rebinding and learned as much as I could from them. Over the past couple of years I have learned more and more as I have practiced the craft.

2) Is there anything you want people to know about your materials, craftsmanship, etc.?

I would say that there are some incredible rebinders out there who do this as their full-time job. For me I just started as a hobby. I work and serve as a missions pastor at a local church just outside Memphis, Tennessee. For that reason, I don’t have as much time to devote to rebinding as some of the other guys, but I love being able to work with my hands and craft a new Bible. My hope is that as I gain more experience, the Bibles I produce will only increase in their quality. There are a few things in the Christian life as precious as God’s word. Being able to work on a new Bible for someone else is is really a privilege.


CONTACT Memphis Bibles

If you like what you see in this review, click here to get in touch with Jay at Memphis Bibles.

ESV Large Print Compact Bible
🛒 Amazon



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